Performance Opportunities

Member Teachers have many opportunities to perform each year. They include:

  • Program Presenter. Teacher members may be asked by fellow colleagues to present a program on a topic which they have researched. A prospective presenter may offer to speak on a topic of their expertise to any of the local chapters, as well as submit their program proposal to the ISMTA Conference committee, for consideration of inclusion in an upcoming state conference.

  • Salt Creek Salon

  • Interlude Performance. Members may offer to perform a piece between the business meeting and presentation or during the SC Salon.

  • Performance Group. Teachers meet at a member teacher’s house for a low-key, informal performance of pieces and also for some social time. All members are encouraged to attend and cheer their colleagues on. Opportunity to participate in sightreading ensembles gives everyone a chance to learn some new music. It’s a perfect excuse to get together with other teacher friends and play some duets and other ensembles together. A light snack and discussion rounds off the musical gathering.

  • Certification: ISMTA members are invited to be certified by MTNA. Voluntary certification demonstrates to the community that members are professional educators and musicians with high standards. Certification identifies teachers who are committed to excellence in teaching, continuing education for professional growth, and providing a wide variety of performance opportunities for their students.  

  • Adult Music Circle - Teachers are welcome to perform at AMC along with their adult students